DormIt Rusher
DormIt is a student-run delivery service at UCSD that aims to deliver convenience items to students in under 10 minutes. My team and I were tasked with developing an app for Rushers, DormIt's delivery workers. Over the course of three weeks, we were able to design a functional mobile application from scratch: DormIt Rusher.
My contribution
Product design Visual design
The team
1 × product manager 2 × product designers
August 2022

Problem statement
Rushers need a way to easily pack and deliver orders, navigate campus, communicate with customers, coworkers, supervisors, manage their weekly schedules, and set schedule availability.
When I was assigned this project, I was given a document with a list of the features that the Rusher App was required to have and first wrote everything down on paper.

I then categorized the information into four sections: Home, Contact, Calendar, and Profile. This process helped me gain a clear understanding of the app’s functionality and my desired structure.
To ensure we finished the project on time, my teammate and I split up the work so that I was responsible for the Contact, Calendar, and Profile sections, while my teammate worked on the Home page, focusing on the order pickup and drop off process.

UX sketching
I began sketching lofi wireframes to create visual structure.

Next, I created wireframes in Figma to visualize the overarching design structure and lay the groundwork for subsequent stages of development.

Final design
Streamlined communication between all rushers and supervisors.

Calendar – Schedule
Rusher can view their weekly schedule and see what days they're scheduled for.

Calendar – Trade request
Select a date to see when coworkers are scheduled. Request to trade shifts if necessary.

Calendar – View trades
View sent and received trade requests and their status.

Profile – Availability
Rusher select the dates and times that they're available to work.

Profile – Time off
Rusher can request time off by selecting a range of dates and providing a reason for absence.

Starting from scratch for this project gave me more creative freedom, which I really enjoyed. I got to experiment more with colors, opting for a modern and light feel. I also became more comfortable with the app design process. Looking back, I would focus more on the user research stage, a step I inadvertently skipped due to the given brief and requirements. Overall, I had fun taking the lead to design something end-to-end with my teammate and am very proud of the outcome.
Bonus content
Supervisor Web App: Demo Video
After finishing work on the Rusher app, I began working on DormIt Supervisor App before my time with DormIt ended. DormIt Supervisor is a web app that allows supervisors to facilitate the order delivery process.